Saturday, February 19, 2011

Episode 4 is in your base, killin' your dudes!

This week's show is online, in all its mediocre glory. Our guest this week is Andrew the Librarian, master of all esoteric knowledge.

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Things in the show:
As promised, Guinea Pigs and Rivets
Men in pain (NSFW - click at your own risk)
No Moore's law
Watson scares the Earth's librarians
Wussiest. Solar flare. EVAR.
We offend foreign people, if any were listening
Try to stump Akinator
Robo-statue/Detroit and St. Louis vie for "Most Dangerous City" SPOILER: St. Louis wins!
Talking bout' Summer Blockbusters
Tom Hardy is awesome.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 is a magic episode!

Our third episode is ready to go! This week, Ryan and Mike talk to Brad about some cool and interesting things, and a bunch of stupid crap.

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Show topics? Oh, we got em'.

Nissan's Aunt Flo
The Army's future weapon: Annoying
Stalkerbot 9000
Logic  flaws in Robocop
Viking metal (Google it)
Sort of the Rings
Untapped Star Wars resources
Game of Thrones

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Episode 2 is now online!

Hi everyone, our second episode is available for download. This week our friend Zach joins in on the fray. We talk about:

How Microsoft be trippin'
Twitter on the shitter
E-gypped out of internet service
Exo-planets from beyond the stars
Epic Burger Time

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As promised in the show, the links to:
Insane cooks
This is why you're fat.