Saturday, October 13, 2012

Another year, another Archon!

Hey there everyone, we just wanted to let you guys know that we are at Archon 36. We won't be broadcasting live but we will be talking to anyone who looks interesting and find some neat things at the con to talk about. We'll have all the recordings up at the end of the weekend.

Archon 36

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Have no fear, the show is still here. Episode 30.

Hello everyone, we're back after way too long with another episode. Due to life getting the way of hobbies, we had to take some time off. This week, Mike, Eric, and Bob talk about chicken nuggets for far longer than anyone should.

(Or right click to Save Target As)

We also talk about:
Japan creates new element 113.
Curiosity finds evidence for past flowing water on Mars.
Makerbot and 3d printing