Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Here is Episode 16.

Our guest this week is, once again, Andrew the Librarian. We dish a bit on how terrible humanity is, because we're misanthropes. We had a slight audio problem on this recording, so apologies in advance. It will be rectified by next week's show.

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We ask if Spotify is the future of internet music
We discuss the current state of pen & paper RPGs and what the future will hold for them.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Episode 15

This is a great show. Julia joins us for the second time. Our RSS is finally live, so everyone can stop bothering us about it now!

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Stuff on this week's show:
Women in tech
Distant Worlds: The music of Final Fantasy
Harry Potter, Transformers 3, Horrible Bosses. Watch Bronson, we command you!
What's with all the new version of classic monsters?
Chloe Moretz being jailbait!
A new Dawn for Vesta

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Episode 14

This week's show is a first for us: two guests. We're joined again by our friend Kirk and our pal Minh appears for the first time. This is a long show at almost 2 hours, so be prepared.

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Episode 13

This is our first official show with our buddy Conan. He was our test mule before the show went live, and now people get to hear him rant. Hope you enjoy it.

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